Thursday, January 1, 2009

E - democracy how far away?

The wikipedia defines e- democracy as " The use of electronic communications technologies such as the Internet in enhancing democratic processes within a democratic republic or representative democracy". Such a possibility, has serious consequences in the way the world is governed. The political rulers may get replaced by Direct democracy.

We do have the technology to create a direct democratic rule today. However, will we ever be able to come up with the political will to enfiorce the same? In a country like India, which does not even allow for the entire voter registration process to be online, the answer seems to be never. The efforts of are indeed comendable in such a situation. With a smart ad that combined Tata Tea with Voter Registration the site has all the potential to attract the crowd.

The simple interface makes it a breeze to get registered as a voter. The Election commision of India have a website, which also ahs the required forms that need to be filled in., basically provides a better interface to fill the applcation form and directly printing it. The Election comission's site even has got the affidavits filled in by the contenstants on display on its site.

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