Saturday, August 31, 2024

Viśhwarūp Darśhan Yog: The universal form

Chapter 11: With 55 verses or shlokas, the eleventh chapter is one of three chapters with more than 50 verses. The other chapters are chapter-2 and 18. and it describes the opulence of Lord Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Shloka 5-8,32-34, 47-49, 52-55): 20 Shlokas

Arjuna (Shloka 1-4,15-31, 36-46, 51): 32 Shlokas

Sanjaya (Shloka 9,35, 50): 3 Shlokas

Brief Summary: In this chapter, Arjuna requests Lord Krishna to show his cosmic form/universal form. Lord Krishna blessed Arjuna with divine eyes so that he could see the universal form. Lord Krishna demonstrated (showed) the universal form as follows:

The universal form (Biology):

  1. Unlimited mouths
  2. Unlimited eyes
  3. Unlimited wonderful vision
  4. Celestial ornaments
  5. Many divine weapons
  6. Celestial garlands and garments
  7. Divine scent
  8. Body with many arms, bellies, mouths and eyes, limitless
  9. Terrible teeth
  10. Glowing eyes

    The universal form (Physics)Radiance of thousand suns, Sun & moon are eyes, blazing fire from the mouth

    The universal form (Spiritual): Lord Shiva, Bramha and different sages

    Demigods and sages feared the terrific manifestation of the Universal form and surrendered. Everybody looked on in wonder. Even Arjuna was bewildered and amazed, lost his steadiness of the mind. Arjuna could see the heads of sons of Dhrtarastra and their allies smashed between the teeth of the lord. Lord Krishna said except for Pandavas, everyone in the war field will be destroyed; it is already destined, and Arjuna is just an instrument. He guided Arjuna to follow the divine plan. Arjuna once again offered obeisance with folded hands. Arjuna describes the benevolent and fearful aspects of the Lord as the cause of all causes and limitless.

    Krishna==Air, fire, water, moon, Brahma, great-grandfather

    Arjuna apologised for the offences he committed, considering the Lord to be his friend. Just as a father forgives his son, friend, another friend, husband, and wife, Krishna also tolerates our mistakes. Therefore, Arjuna requests the lord to bestow grace on him. Subsequently, Arjuna requested the lord to be gracious and return to the four-armed form.

    Four-armed form:

    1. Helmet head
    2. Club, Wheel, Conch and Lotus flower in hand

    Krishna had not shown his universal form to anyone else as it required divine eyes. No one can see Lord Krishna's universal form in the material world even after studying the Vedas, performing sacrifices and charity, and performing pious activities and penances. As per Arjuna's request, the lord displayed his four-armed form and, subsequently, the two-armed form. Arjuna's mind composure could be restored by seeing the lord in a human-like form. Even demigods cherish the opportunity to see the universal form. Only through undivided devotional service can one understand Lord Krishna. 

    In the final verse, Lord Krishna assures liberation for the following: 

    1. One who engages in pure devotional service
    2. One who is detached from the results of fruitive activities
    3. One who works for me for the Lord
    4. One who makes the Lord as the goal of his life
    5. One who is friendly with every living entity

    Favorite Shlokas:

    Shloka 12:

    divi sūrya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad utthitā
    yadi bhāḥ sadṛiśhī sā syād bhāsas tasya mahātmanaḥ

    Shloka 55:
    mat-karma-kṛin mat-paramo mad-bhaktaḥ saṅga-varjitaḥ
    nirvairaḥ sarva-bhūteṣhu yaḥ sa mām eti pāṇḍava

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