Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ingenious ways of hiding e-mail from spam bots

By putting up your e-mail address on your website or blog is an open invitation to spam bots to harvest your email and start spamming your inbox or congesting your spambox. Congesting of spambox is a big problem if the the spam protector puts genuine mail in the spam folder. Having to sort through the spam can be a nightmare if its full.

We have seen the obvious ways such as using [at] instead of @ for protecting? which unfortunatley is not good enough as spam bots evolve too. Having a image showing the mail id is mostly safe, but makes it impossible for the user to copy and paste it. Services such as reCAPTCHA have made it possible to protect you mail id with an image.However, for the lazy user this may be too much work! to do, just to see the mail id.

Few ingenious ways to hide a mail id in plain site:
  1. Remove the "meaning of the word that will confuse the spam bot" from the mymailid@confusespambot.actauldomain.com
  2. Use the popular version of the domain in mymailid@geemail.com
  3. Do the math in mymailid@three-two23.com
  4. No numbers in my1mail2id@356domain.com
If this is not enough to confuse the spam bots, we could always use other methods such as having a serverside contact form which hides the mail id or use a client side script to render the mail id.

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