Thursday, March 3, 2011

Break scaffolds into Mate pairs

Could not find any programs that can merge a set of scaffolds. Hence, decided to break the scaffolds into mate pairs and use those for scaffolding. Below is a simple perl script to break scaffolds into all possible mate pairs in a format suitable for SSPACE (a hierarchical scaffolder). It can easily be modified to work for BAMBUS or any other scaffolder or assembler.


# Nagarjun Vijay (c) 2011
# mate - program to break scaffolds into mate pairs

# 3rd March 2011

use strict;

my $scafile=$ARGV[0];

#reading the scaffold sequences
open SCAF, "<",$scafile or die $!;

#open contigs file
open CONTIG, ">>",$scafile . ".contigs.fa" or die $!;

#open contigs file
open LIB, ">>",$scafile . ".lib" or die $!;

my ($scaffoldcount,$seqst_temp,$contigcount,$notscaffoldcount,$z,$head,$i,$j,$libcount);
my $header = ;#reading the first header

while($z = ){
if($z=~ />/)
#split scaffold into contigs
if($seqst_temp=~ m/[N]+/){#is really a scaffold
$contigcount +=SplitScaffold($seqst_temp);
}#end of scaffold check if
else{#not a scaffold - so not writing into breaker file
print CONTIG $head . "" . $notscaffoldcount ."\n";
print CONTIG "$seqst_temp\n";
}#end of scaffold check else

#next sequence
$z =~ s/[\n\t\f\r_0-9\s]//g;
$seqst_temp .= $z;
}#end of File while loop

if($seqst_temp=~ m/[N]+/){#is really a scaffold
$contigcount +=SplitScaffold($seqst_temp);
}#end of scaffold check if
else{#not a scaffold - so not writing into breaker file
print CONTIG $head . "" . $notscaffoldcount ."\n";
print CONTIG "$seqst_temp\n";
}#end of scaffold check else
close SCAF;
close CONTIG;

#Split scaffolds, write contigs and breaker file
sub SplitScaffold{
my $seq = shift;
my ($head,$num,$contigs,$n);
my @values=split(/([N]+)/,$seq);
my $vallen= scalar (@values);
for($i=0;$i<$vallen;$i++) {
my $val=$values[$i];
if(($num % 2) == 0){
$n = length $val;
print CONTIG $head . "" . $contigs ."\n";
print CONTIG "$val\n";
my $matedist=(length $values[$i])+(length $values[$i+1])+(length $values[$i+2]);
print LIB "lib".$libcount." l".$libcount."s".$scaffoldcount."b".$i.".fasta l".$libcount."s".$scaffoldcount."b".$j.".fasta ".$matedist." 0.75 0\n";
$matedist=$matedist+(length $values[$j+1])+(length $values[$j+2]);
open READ1, ">>","l".$libcount."s".$scaffoldcount."b".$i.".fasta" or die $!;
open READ2, ">>","l".$libcount."s".$scaffoldcount."b".$j.".fasta" or die $!;
print READ1 ">l".$libcount."s".$scaffoldcount."b".$i."\n";
print READ1 $values[$i]."\n";
print READ2 ">l".$libcount."s".$scaffoldcount."b".$j."\n";
print READ2 reverseComplement($values[$j])."\n";
close READ1;
close READ2;


return $contigs;
#reverse complement a sequence
sub reverseComplement{
$_ = shift;
return (reverse());
#end of Breaker

1 comment:

Bob said...

this is an interesting idea. Have you tested it? I am wondering how you will handle the insert size for SSAKE. It seems to me that you will not be able to specify this as your gaps in the scaffold are going to be of varying length. Why not break the scaffold into contigs and then feed the contigs and new data to SSAKE. Of course, if you did that, why make the scaffolds in the first place? The code as posted has some compile errors on my system.